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Over the years we have received such heart warming emails from our puppy families. This is one the best parts of what we do....bringing joy and happiness into peoples lives (and we have our wonderful puppies to thank for that!). A big thank you to everyone for updates and for staying in touch.

Hi Kate,
Hope you are well. Just giving you an update on Linus since its been a year already!
He is living the life in Melbourne. He is so confident and friendly. He loves saying hi to everyone at the park - human and canine.
He is so smart and gentle. House training him was pretty easy. He also is gentle on his toys and never destroyed any furniture during his puppy stage.
He comes with me to the store 5 days a week and likes walking up to customers for a pat.
I took him hiking and camping for the first time. He did really well and stayed close to me off leash. He always looks back and doesn't wander far. Perfect companion.
I hope his brothers and sisters are doing well too.
Just wanted to thank you again for pairing Linus up with me. Love him to bits and exactly the personality I am looking for.


Hi Kate, 

I just wanted to send you an update on our little Charlie. He is such a wonderful little dog and is much loved by our family. 

We just spent a week away in QLD and the grandparents kindly looked after Charlie for us, I don’t think they wanted to give him back.

Seeing how excited my girls were to be reunited with Charlie was very special.... I don’t think his tail stopped wagging for an hour. 

He is 5 months now and completely settled. He has lost a few teeth lately too.

Attached is a photo for you. 

With kind regards,

Lisa, Matt, Scarlett and Claudia 


Hi Kate,
Here is a picture of our gorgeous Obi after his 2nd birthday. Chris and I took leave from school and were overseas when Obi turned 2 on the 2nd October. He continues to be the delight of our lives! Beaches keeps him in line and they have a good relationship, although she is 14 and beginning to sleep more! Chris takes Obi for a run every couple of days and he is good on the lead and to run with! He is a very social dog and loves greeting all the other dogs at the Oval...Curious George certainly did suit him!
Kate hope all well in your lives. We will always be grateful that you chose us to be Obi's parents!
Susie xx
Ps .. He has had a haircut since then because he loves swimming in the ocean with Jono!


Hi Kate,

Just thought I’d send a few pics and give you an update on Flo (aka Kenya). She is doing really really well, she’s fitted in so well to our lifestyle and family, she loves running around and playing with her many toys haha 

She’s graduated from puppy preschool with flying colours she can come, stay, sit, stand, roll over, drop, high five and hand shake and she’s now learning to walk on the lead before we take her out to parks and the beach after her last needle. She also gets along well with other dogs and especially other people 😊

We couldn’t have asked for a better puppy and we know she’s going to turn out to be the most well behaved and loveable dog. 
Can’t thank you guys enough again for choosing us to have her forever! 


Claire and Jake


Hi Kate, 

Now that Ziggy is over 6 months old, we wanted to send you an update on how he is going.

He’s got such a great temperament, and is so chilled out and gentle. He is very social with other dogs and has a gang of dogs he sees at the park on his morning walks. He is also enjoying going to doggy day care one day a week because he can play all day (with a break at lunchtime for a nap). 

He loves playing fetch at the park and is mostly pretty good at bringing the ball back. He also likes to find sticks and bits of bark to bring home (and make a mess on the carpet). 

He is very loving to our family (and especially enjoys going to my mum’s house where he gets spoiled with attention and cuddles while we are at work). However, he is sometimes funny with strangers and will occasionally bark at people. We’re trying to work on this with him and would appreciate any hints you may have. 

He also really enjoys riding in the car and happy to ride around quietly with his harness on. 

So many people stop us in the street to ask him what breed he is and where we got him. I think it is his silky coat (he could be in an ad for Pantene) and his handsome eyes. 

We have also had some of the puppy mischief and a few of our wooden furniture items have some added teeth marks, he also started on the skirting boards, but thankfully the chewing behaviour seems to have slowed down now that he has all his teeth. His new favourite mischief is to play with rolls of toilet paper - so we need to make sure the bathroom doors are both closed otherwise we come out to it strewn everywhere. 

He is just such a welcome addition to our family and we couldn’t imagine our life without him. Thank you for entrusting him to our family. 

Kind Regards, 

Emily, Matthew & Ziggy


Dear Kate, 

How are you? I hope you’re all doing really well and staying warm :)

I wanted to send you these recent pics of our Tankidoodle. When I work full days, we get a lovely dog walker to take him out, and this was on his first walk. He loved it :)

He is an absolute delight still - he’s so loving and just wants licks, hugs, cuddles all day long, while maintaining his very cheeky nature. His Tank special is waiting while we put shoes on, and grabbing one of them just when we’re not looking and running off. 

The boys have private chats to him now, and the first thing anyone does when they wake up is find Tank for a cuddle. 

Best things we’ve done, we are loving him and he’s become quite famous in our area. Everyone seems to know him :)

The only little issue we have is that he still gets very car sick, even a short drive will result in him being sick. So we avoid the car, and I had hoped we’d be able to visit one day and pop in, but unless things change with his travel sickness, we won’t be doing that! :)

Best wishes, 



Hi Kate,

Thought I would send through a couple of pics of our little Cedric. He has slotted right into the family and we could not have asked for a better dog. He is so sweet natured and the kids adore him! 

Thank you. 

Fran x


Hi Kate,

Well its that time of the year again, it's mr Taj's Birthday! Four today, i don't know where the year has gone (i think i say that every year!).

Taj is going really well, his personality is still very much puppy-like in that he is play-full, full of energy and extremely affectionate to everyone. The past 12 months have been quite the adjustment for him with his younger brother Hayden entering the world on the 30th of December last year (This is our first human baby!). One of our most special gifts for the baby was from my husbands sister who is a very talented artist. She drew Taj for us and we have it framed above Haydens cot in his bedroom, I've attached a photo for you to see!  Since the baby has come, people naturally enter the house and navigate towards Hayden but Taj has other plans for visitors and blocks them all and demands pats before they can even see the baby!  As you can see in the photos, Taj thinks he's just one of the kids and is still spoilt rotten. If I am playing with Hayden, Taj goes into his special toy box in the laundry and grabs one of his own toys so he can join in.  Just the other day i bought Taj a squeaky toy for Christmas. I dumped it into a box in our study full of other gifts when all of a sudden he appears and has it in his mouth waiting for us to throw it for him, he truly is such a character. I can't wait until Hayden grows up a bit more as i know they will be the best of friends, Hayden already throws the ball for Taj even if it is just a meter Taj doesn't mind! Taj still remains our little shadow, if we have a shower he is there waiting for us, if i am on the computer he is there under my feet, when we hang the washing out he promptly trots to the door to ensure he is included and finally when we go to bed, he follows us in and lays on the floor. When we are not here we usually find him laying on his back on our bed, i think he enjoys the peace and quiet for a change, the look on his face is as if he's been a day spa all day and he doesn't move until we scratch his belly! Another huge event for Taj recently was his visit to Santa, he was the star of the show and greeted every man and his dog (literally) who were also waiting to see Santa. 

We hope this update from our special guy 'Taj of W.A' finds you and your family well and that Goanna Hill has a fabulous christmas and a very Happy New Year. 

All the best,

Mr Taj's Family


Hi Kate

 Thought I would send you a 12 month picture of Dr Pepper.  These were taken on his 1st birthday but I’m only getting around to sending now.

 As you can see he has grown into a gorgeous boy with the most amazing nature.

 He is a typical boy loves rolling in mud, chasing balls, jumping in puddles but also snuggling with the fam on the lounge.

 We can’t thank you enough, he has won our hearts and continues to win those of everyone he meets.

 Natalie xx


Hi Kate

Just writing to let you know how little Audrey is settling in. 

We’ve started puppy school - she started as an observer, but by the end was a little socialite. She’s also socializing with lots of people big and small. 

Toilet training - going really well overall, a few accidents here and there when Mum and Dad miss her cues! But she’s going on cue outside most of the time. 

Sleep - (touch wood) her whining stopped after four nights, her crate is her safe haven and she hoards all of her favorite toys in there! She’s happy riding in the car in her crate too. 

She’s eating well (not always finishing the whole lot) and pooping like a machine. 

Her favorite toy is a hand knitted ball and empty milk carton.

She has our hearts, and everyone that meets her!

She is such a joy, and we are so happy!

We noticed that one of her siblings has also come to Perth - if their owners are interested, we would love a puppy play date. Feel free to pass on our details. 

And lastly, some photos of her first week!

Talia and Ash xx


Hi Kate,

You guys are absolute rock stars!  She is amazing, so calm, and she it toileting so well.  Wees as soon as she is taken outside.  She has been super playful today but sooky if there is no one right with her but she soon settles.  She slept so well last night.  I woke and took her outside to wee at midnight which she did.  When I put her back on her bed she whined for about 10min and calmed right down again until my husband woke her when he went to work at 5:30am.  I think she might be a bit more vocal tonight though.  I’m glad you talked about the food again.  She is eating a little but not a great deal.   She kind of eats a bit gets distracted goes back eats a bit more gets distracted again.  To say we are happy is an understatement… And I think my brother will be in touch with you soon for a puppy for his family.  Everyone is just besotted with her!!!  Just an added update as i’ve been writing this she just ate plenty YAY!!

Thank you so much



Hi Kate

Just thought we would send you an email as today is Indi's 2nd birthday.

Indi loves being around us, especially Donna. You will often find Indi curled up on the couch next to Donna. She loves going for a walk with us, especially to the beach and wetlands near our house. We have also recently found a dog park that has only recently opened that Indi enjoys visiting and making friends. 

Indi is about to embark on a different life. Indi is about to become a big sister, as Donna is 35 weeks pregnant. It has been adorable seeing Indi lie across Donna's tummy and stick her head up on Donna's tummy. I think she will make an awesome big sister. 

I've attached 3 photos, one of Indi this morning in our living room, one at the beach a few weeks ago, and a photo of Donna and Indi with Indi up with the baby from a month ago. 

Hope everything is well with you. Thank you again for Indi, we've had such a blast over the last 2 years. 

Much love

Donna, Derm and Indi


Hi Kate,
How are you? Another year has passed and it’s now been 5 years since Barney took over our house. I cannot believe how fast that has gone and how much he rules the roost.
He’s still the same wicked food thief, and while he goes crazy when people come over or we get home, he’s generally a very quiet and calm dog. Lazy boy I call him!
As you can see my boys are growing fast and I’m getting greyer as a result. Hope you and your family are well.


Hi Kate,
Meant to get back to you sooner but have had a hectic lead up to Xmas. Just wanted to say thank you again for the cheeky little guy. He and Gracie are partners in crime.
Cosmo has also joined Gracie as a catalog model at Cheap as Chips. Hope you had a wonderful Xmas with family and friends.. thank you so much again for two wonderful pups.

Grant and Julie x


Hi Kate

Gordie turned two a few weeks ago and continues to delight us each and every day !  He is such a great boy - loves to run and swim, loves his toys, loves to play with other dogs and loves his cuddles (including a snuggle in your arms - quite unusual).

A few photos......

He currently weighs 14.7kgs.  

Hope you are well.

Warm regards


Hi Kate

It has been a while (nearly 12 months) since we last ‘chatted’ via email. We have seen that you have been very busy with several litters in that time as we still check the website often to see those beautiful puppies. However, at the moment I see there are some due but not born so I thought it an opportunity to send you this email.

Don’t worry, its a very happy email…nothing is wrong. It is just a moment to share with you how grateful we continue to be to have Izzy in our family.

She is the most beautifully natured, smart, adorable dog with the best temperament we could hope for and also has that cheeky streak that we love too. If there was such a thing as a ‘perfect’ dog, then she has nailed the brief. So basically this email is to thank you for choosing Izzy for our family  and another thank you for providing a loveable and terrific Labradoodle.

I’ll give us a small wrap, we have put a lot of work in and she is always our companion, but it surely is part of the breeding and early puppy days too I reckon. Rest assured, we have had several people ask us where we got her and we give them your website details…and a good wrap of course.

She loves her daily walks along the beach and to the leash free park. She has made many friends by always wanting to play and run about….in fact we too have made a few new pals simply by having her around the other dogs and their owners, amazing what good dogs do! 

She has grown a lot since she left you more than a year ago but not too big and is just the ideal size. She has regular play dates with Bailey (pepsi) and it's still like they are puppies in the litter I reckon. 

We hope everything goes well for the new pups due and we thank you once again for our beautiful girl.


The Oliver Family


Dear Kate
Thank you so much for allowing us to adopt Buddy ( GH Doshi). He’s a delight and is adored by the whole family ( even my crusty old dad who’s not a dog person).
His favourite thing is to people watch when out walking ( he’s sits quietly like a little statue and watches people as they walk past till they are out of his line of vision - he’s becoming renowned in the neighbourhood for it. )
He also quite likes stealing socks.
Henry can often be found curled up with him having secret conversations and tells everyone that they are best friends!
Thank you also for all your advice on becoming new dog owners- especially about tick protection. We found a dead paralysis tick on Buddy 3 weeks after we got him. Thank goodness he was covered.
You were right about labradoodles becoming addictive. Both Henry and David (husband)are planning their next puppy!

(I’ve just seen the next litters on the website- they’re gorgeous! )

Thank you again for Buddy.
Very best wishes


Hi Kate I do apologise for not getting back to you before this.

Our Bentley continues to thrive with a personality  which everyone can’t help but love.

Kate we are ever so thankful for this amazing puppy.  Bentley is going to puppy school and I hate to be a boastful owner but Bentley is running rings around his puppy mates.  We have won the lottery with this boy, extremely intelligent and so excited to learn.  Bentley sits at roads and waits until told to cross.  Drops, sits and now sleeps beside our bed on his bed without any problems at all.  So proud totally toilet trained.  What more could you ask for?

Kate, Merry Christmas to you and your family and also to all your furry family as well.

Stay safe and here’s to very happy & healthy New Year.

Lots of love from Bentley Lynda & Mark Remmers 🐾❤️🐾❤️


Hi Kate,


I thought you may like an update on how Miss Rosie is going.  She is still adorable. 

We have just completed puppy kinder and next week move on to beginners class. She was a shining star in class, very well behaved.  The trainer actually commented at one stage that whoever chose this dog knew how to match the perfect dog to our family, so thank you again. 

Rosie has all but stopped mouthing, growing like a little mushroom and she discovered she likes gardening, but we were quick to assure her that we can handle the garden ourselves 😉.

Hope you enjoy the photos. 

I will update again soon.

Kind regards,



Hi Kate

I thought you would like an update on Lexi, we all just love her so much.
She has bought so much love to our family, my grandchildren just love her .
When we take her for a walk she likes to say hello to everyone.
We are so lucky to have Lexi in our lives
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family and all your beautiful dogs
Best wishes Shirley 🎄X


Hi Kate,
Hoping everything is going well with all of the other pups! Just wanted to send a quick email and let you know that beautiful Luna is settling in so well!!! We absolutely adore her!! She started puppy school this week and was so great! A grade A student and teachers pet!! She is doing so great! Her biting has decreased slightly and we are still working on bite inhibition! She is an absolute star with toileting and has had no accidents in the house (let’s hope I don’t jinx it). She always goes to the toilet outside on command! She has filled a Luna sized hole and we are so greatful you picked us to be her forever family!

Best wishes

Nadene, Brittany, Makenzi and Sienna


Dear Kate,
I hope you are well.  We just wanted to send you a little update and to say a big thank you!
Spencer is now 4.5 months and is such a delightful puppy.  We couldn’t be happier about how well he has settled into our family.  He is a perfect fit, has the most beautiful calm disposition, and is cutest little dog in the world!
We have recommended you and your puppies to so many friends.
Thank you so much for taking our needs into consideration when allocating is our puppy, we couldn’t be happier! 



Hi Kate,

We just wanted to share some photos of Eadie as she grows up. She is doing SO well and is a very sociable, friendly dog. She LOVES the dog park near our house and has made lots of new friends to play with. She is very popular with the humans too! :) 

We want to say a big thank you for allowing Eadie to be a part of our lives. She is loved immensely and has already bought so much happiness to us. 


Thank you!

Jon, Jenna and Eadie xx


Hi Kate 


I hope you are well.

Tim and I just wanted to email you to let you know that Winnie is doing very well and is a whole 5kg!!

She has graduated from puppy pre school and puppy kinder with a local dog training school.

She is very well behaved and her temperament is very unique. We have had so many compliments about her fun loving and confident little personality for such a young pup. She is very well adjusted to our busy lifestyle and comes along with us everywhere, from Bunnings to Cafes, she even comes into work every now and then.

She goes to puppy day care usually two times per week, which she loves. She is very interested in any running water, loving a bath and now a shower! She enjoys a blow dry afterwards and is all fur!

She loves the beach and running after birds! She is very fast and a little cheeky from time to time, but is SO cute!

We want to thank you for choosing her for us, her personality is wonderful and we can’t imagine our life without her now.

We tell everyone about you and your wonderful puppies. We are regularly stopped on our walks along the beach with Winnie and asked where she is from, people are often very intrigued by her beautiful soft coat, 

colouring and size. We hope you receive an influx of enquires from Wollongong haha!

When we have some more space we hope to be back for a friend for Winnie.

Here are some recent pics of our little Winnie 🐶

Grace and Tim

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